Day 4

Experimental Day.

I am out of all things meat today do to poor planning at the grocery store over the weekend, and I have to work today so there’s no time to shop. Today I will follow the Vegetarian Whole30 guidelines and see how my hunger levels do. Hopefully I am not hungry all day long.


Breakfast : Soaked and Sprouted Quinoa with nuts and Coconut Milk (I’ve been missing this one 🙂 )

Lunch: Yum Universe Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup, Roasted Root Veggies, mixed berries with Sunflower Butter

Dinner: TBD


Breakfast (6am) : Soaked and Sprouted Quinoa with Coconut Milk

10:00 snack : Berries with Sunflower Butter

Lunch: Roasted Root Veg and Deli Turkey

Later:  CRASH And BURN, crazy work stress, patient’s crashing, . . .  2 cookies . . .oh no! Patient’s fine, but I ate cookies! MAJOR GUILT . . . Now I’m off plan . . . More stress . . . pissed off . . . tootsie rolls and diet coke . . . .

Dinner: Too tired and disappointed in myself to care, more crap, then off to bed.

MAJOR FAIL!!!! Work by far is my biggest road block to nutritional success. Stress = sugar in my world and it is far to easy to cave in. I am growing very tired of trying to follow so many rules and then failing and feeling so much guilt, even with my beloved “fitness”. I craved yoga all day. But what was on the schedule – P90X Plyo. And that turned into “I ate like crap so why bother.” Why not just start the day with a short yoga session and eat clean for each meal instead of obsessing over some many details.?

There is a message in the whole30 universe that I am beginning to wake up to, and that is “Slow down”. Stress is the enemy and I am just creating more by worrying about rules and which program is “the best”. It is a good message but it is hard for my skinny-obsessed brain to comprehend – Less IS More.

Tomorrow is a new day, see you in the morning . . . focused and ready to re-gain control.

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